Share Your Story

If you would like to share your story with us, you can do so by following the steps below. All information you submit will be completely confidential and will not be shared with anyone unless you'd like us to do so. 

It is our hope that you are able to use this platform in whichever way that feels best to you, and we understand that whatever that may be, it is completely unique to you. We acknowledge the vulnerability it takes to speak out, and we know that many moms have yet to process the pain and trauma of birth behind bars. Even if you are not in a place to share your story with us, we still acknowledge that your story is valid, and that all women deserve a humane, supported, respected, and healthy childbirth experience. If you do choose to share, we are honored to be able to listen to your story, and we will use your experience to help inform and refine our own practices to make our program the best it can be.  

If you would like us to help you share your story with others, we will first be in touch to make sure we have everything right and exactly how you'd like to share it. You do not have to reveal your name, and you can include as little or as much detail as you'd like. Sharing your story with others is completely voluntary, but we would like to offer this platform as a space to promote healing, empathy, and guidance in the way ourselves and others support future incarcerated mothers. Above all, we believe that your voice is the most important, and should be echoed by all the work that we do. 

We appreciate your strength, courage, and willingness to help inform us. and we are extremely grateful for your willingness to help better our organization.

Thank you so much.

In solidarity,

The Michigan Prison Doula Initiative

The information submitted in the form below is confidential. All form fields are voluntary. You may give as much or as little information as you'd like.